10. August 2021
Position Statement on Anti-Dementia Medication for Alzheimer’s Disease by Swiss Stakeholders
The present document represents the position of Swiss health-care associations, clinical and research centers, research-supporting foundations, and the association Alzheimer Switzerland regarding the care of persons with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. We claim that dementia is not part of normal aging but a disease developing more frequently in old age; early diagnosis and treatment of dementia is paramount; all patients with dementia have the right to receive state-of-the-art treatments; more intense information, education, and counseling on dementia are necessary; media should provide balanced and fair reporting of scientific discoveries on Alzheimer’s and dementia; all patients with dementia have the right to be treated; anti-dementia drugs should be used and accompanied by listening, compassion, and understanding.
Dr. Stefanie Becker
Direktorin Alzheimer Schweiz
Alzheimer Schweiz
Gurtengasse 3
3011 Bern
ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein mit über 10 000 Mitgliedern und rund 130 000 Gönnerinnen und Gönnern. Die Organisation ist in jedem Kanton mit einer Sektion vertreten. Seit über 30 Jahren unterstützt Alzheimer Schweiz kompetent Menschen mit Demenz, ihre Angehörigen und Fachpersonen aus der Pflege und Betreuung.